Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Why Darth Vader is Actually Santa

Recently we took the boys to see Darth Vader and several stormtroopers at a neighberhood mall. I now realized that after seeing kids follow Darth Vader around like not the 'bad guy of the universe' he is that he may actually be someone else.

Here are my reasons why I believe Darth Vader is actually Santa Claus in the off season.

1. You can easily hide the beard and other distinguishable features under the mask. Without the mask anyone can pick out Santa from a distance.

2. The voice changing technology in the mask covers up his ho ho ho to a breathy sound

3. His dark costume (black) covers up the over weight issue normally associated to Santa.

4. Lastly, Kids flock to him.

Here's the photo from WEM

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Bring On The Day

"Now God has us where he wants us, with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus. Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it. It's God's gift from start to finish! We don't play the major role. If we did, we'd probably go around bragging that we'd done the whole thing." 2\8-9\eph

Drunk Sex 101 - Chapter 1 : Remember Adam and Eve

So there is Adam and Eve, not only intimate with each other but intimate with God.

"The two of them, the Man and his Wife, were naked, but they felt no shame."MSG Gen.2.25

So what were they missing, well sin. Sin is main reason for bad relationships with our spouses.

i. You see I believe everything starts with repentance. Salvation begins with repentance of one's sins and self. True forgiveness starts with repentance of the heart. And, yes. Better sex, Drunk sex, starts with repentance. We have to come with a clean heart. A life humbled before God, set apart for him by saying,”Lord forgive me for 'fill in the blank' and Lord forgive for what I do not even remember. Draw me closer to you and then my wife.

ii. And then you need to turn the pilot light up. Invite the Holy Spirit to fill you - Elevate Spirit Over Mind like in the garden of Eden. Cause Q: What is the difference between Sex in the secular world and Sex between Christian couples. A: Nothing! God designed there to be a difference.iii. And then, make out with your wife.

Drunk Sex 101 - Forward:

Drunk Sex is the invitation of God's Spirit into the act of intimate love making between you and your wife. (Yes, One Male/One Female Relationships) This blog is dedicated to the discussion of this relationship, and the study of how our personal relationships grow within this context.

This blog is also a step in the process of how I will turn this discussion into a book entitled ‘Drunk Sex 101’. Please note all references to your comments will be reviewed and requested before any publication takes place.

Lastly, I strongly recommend that anyone commenting carefully consider their comments’ context and the implications of their comments within their existing relationship before a comment is uploaded.